Making uniform the basis for calculating tax return amount of manufacturers and exporters, and perfecting indirect export tax-free system to ensure the fairness in the export tax return. 统一生产企业与外贸出口企业退税额的计算依据,完善间接出口免税制度,使出口退税更具公平性。
The indirect influences of export on economic growth are the same as import and both promote economic growth indirectly mainly through consumption and investment in the long-run. 在间接关系上出口和进口对经济增长的影响差不多,它们主要通过对消费和投资的长期促进作用而间接地促进经济增长。
This dissertation applies logical and mathematical model to analyze manufacturer's choice of transaction pattern, in order to provide a theoretical base for manufacturer's choice of international trade pattern, direct export or indirect export. 本文通过逻辑和数学模型来分析生产商的交易模式选择问题,为出口生产企业的国际贸易模式选择(直接出口和间接出口)提供一定的理论基础和依据。
In this article, I first introduce the three major channels by which the Chinese electronic products are exported to oversea market: indirect export, direct export, and oversea investment. 本文首先介绍我国电子类产品出口国际市场的三种主要渠道:间接出口、直接出口和投资进入海外市场。
The second is theoretical analysis about direct and indirect path of FDI influencing export in developing host country from; 二是从直接与间接的角度深入分析了外商直接投资影响发展中东道国出口贸易的具体途径;
The export trade competitiveness in the existing literature is widely considered as a kind of direct or indirect ability to obtain certain benefits, and the ability comes from the comparative advantage of export products. 出口贸易竞争力在已有文献中被广泛认为一种直接或间接获取某种利益的能力,并且这种能力来源于出口产品具有的比较优势。
By studying indirect effect of RMB exchange rate change on export structure, the article shows the RMB exchange rate change increases the long term cost of manufacturers of export commodity, and a bigger appreciation may decrease the types and quantity of export products. 通过人民币汇率变动对出口商品结构的间接影响分析,本文认为汇率变动增加了出口商品制造业的长期成本,汇率的大幅度升值必然减少我国出口商品的种类和数量。